Secession is equivalent to freedom, and is the right of all sentient beings. People without the right of secession are not free, regardless of whether or not they get to participate in popularity contests to determine the king(s) for the next olympiad.
One world government is fine as long as there is UNANIMOUS agreement.
If you force somebody to be subject to your government (not just use your government to enforce your rights to life, liberty, and property, but REQUIRE people through coercion or threats or actual violence to be citizens of or subject to your government against their will), then you are a manstealer; you have committed a crime against their liberty. You have enslaved them. Do you believe in slavery, or do you believe that people should be free and have the right to self-government?
Every person of age and reason possesses, at all times, rights to life, liberty, and property, including the right to defend those rights and the right to contract with an institution to help defend them on their behalf. This right is expressed in the U.S. Declaration of Independence: "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." If you don't believe these things, then you should not celebrate July 4th.
People have the right to skip out on the system if it doesn't secure their rights, and especially if it is violating their rights. They have the right to decide, for themselves, if they want to participate in your rights-securing plan or not, because they have the right to create and participate in a system which "to them [not to you] shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Speaking for my family, the only one world government which we would endorse would be the direct reign of Jesus Christ, administered by Jesus Christ and not by the compulsion of man. Since all other proposals conflict with this, we do not approve of them, and therefore while we are living and holding this opinion, one world government cannot be achieved without violating our rights.
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One world government
Posted by
10/28/2009 04:56:00 PM
Labels: declaration-of-independence, one world government, rights, secession
How to fix government
I recently saw the suggestion that we can fix the problems of the U.S. federal government by "kicking them all out": firing every single incumbent congressman and banning corporate lobbying. Making corporate lobbying illegal strikes me as somewhat naive and definitely restrictive of rights.
As Walter Williams often says, the government shouldn't have the legal power to do bad things ... then the problem of lobbyists influencing it to do such things will go away.
I don't think term limits of one term will fix the problem, either, whether it happens from statute or the vote.
I think the only way to limit the power of government to encroach upon its citizens' rights to life, liberty, and property is for that government to be checked by alternate, competing institutions "instituted among men to secure these rights ... and whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." (For those who might not recognize it, this is a near quote from the United States Declaration of Independence. You should really read it sometime. If you don't believe in this stuff, you really shouldn't be celebrating on July 4th.)
If you don't think the U.S. federal government is adequately securing your rights, then you do morally have and should legally have the right to use your own resources to establish your own rights-securing institution, including the right to delegate enforcement of your rights to others who work on your behalf, the right to subscribe to such services from a company, the right to collaborate with and work with other people to build your institution as you see fit. The government does not morally have and should not legally have the right to force people to pay for its services and prevent them from receiving such services from other providers.
The problems are:
- government is a monopoly
- security for the rights of life, liberty, and property is a socialized service, instead of being provided by a free market
- government grants to itself the legal right to take actions which are not morally right (i.e., violation of the rights of people to life, liberty, and property)
Personally, I think the biggest committer of crimes against me and my neighbors, is the U.S. federal government. I would like to see everyone kicked out of it and to leave the offices empty, not repopulate them and play Russian roulette and hope (against all evidence) that somehow it will come out better this time, and that if it doesn't we can still somehow improve it in the future through the democratic process and constant monitoring and tweaking of statutes and regulations. At the very least, give the rest of us the right to opt out, even if you want to keep it.
Posted by
10/27/2009 10:17:00 PM
Labels: elections, lobbying, monopoly, plurality of government, secession, term limits
"Stimulus" means you are in a cage
Stimulus is for lab rats, not economies of free people. Give us freedom. Man shall be neither free nor prosperous until the last politician is strangled with the entrails of the last bureaucrat.
What we need is for the government to quit causing the boom-bust cycle. Given a free economy, the resources we have will be allocated optimally for satisfying human wants and producing wealth, making us all better off.
Instead, we get items like the Federal Reserve, and "stimulus" packages when it goes wrong. Naked transfers of money and power; blatant infringements on liberty.
If I were free, I would be able to keep the dollars I earn and use them to bless this society in a way profitable for me and others. If I were free, I would be able to start a business of my choice with no permission or regulation from the government, and again I would thus be able to bless this society to my own profit and for the benefit of others.
If you won't do it for me, at least do it for my neighbors: give us freedom. Give people permission to get out of this mess! Give people permission to say "this government is no longer acting to secure my rights to life, liberty, and property, and I renounce my association with it and will establish another, with my neighbors, which shall have its foundation laid on such principles and be organized in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
Government cannot solve the problem. The United States government is the problem. If you do not like theft, murder, and infringement of liberty, then the biggest criminal in the world and the source of the vast majority of all of these things which you do not like is the United States government.
It's over. Let freedom ring.
Posted by
10/22/2009 12:27:00 AM
Labels: business-cycle, declaration-of-independence, entrepreneurship, free market, freedom, stimulus